Elemental Sexual Assault Protection
One of our most popular and important workshops for colleges, high schools, and anyone concerned with navigating relationshps.

Verbal Techniques
Learn a series of verbal techniques to stop or re-direct a potential assault
Sliding Scale of Responses
Study a sliding scale of responses from redirecting to forceful physical techniques, depending on the situation
Several different strategies based on personality and situation.
Proven Effectiveness
A proven track record through research and real-life situations.

Founded on Research
The co-founders of this program are Ball State University professors, who delved deep into research on sexual assault, discussed real-world scenarios with their students, and worked with Situation Handled founder James Norris to put together a series of lessons designed to give honest and effective answers to difficult situations. These research, science, and To-Shin Do based answers have proven some of the most effective sexual assualt prevention material out there. You can visit the elemental website directly for more information.
Our Team
Situation Handled co-founder Johanna Norris was the first certified Elemental instructor, and James Norris’ input in its creation and his depth of To-Shin Do and self-protection knowledge make them the ideal team to present to vital material. Set up a training for your school or organization now!

Find an Upcoming Elemental Workshop
Unable to host a workshop? Not to worry! We present Elemental workshops with open enrollment from time to time. Check out our upcoming workshop events.