
The Challenge
All of the problems we unknowingly walk into. Having the highest level physical skills won’t help if you aren’t aware there is a problem until it’s too late, or if it is actually something on the inside (anger, fear, ego, etc) that is helping create the problem.

The Solution
Learning to stay aware of the world around us and explore the world within us. By staying aware, and by honestly acknowledging our thoughts, emotions, and state of mind, we prevent problems from ever happening.
Awareness Skills
Our training starts with focus and awareness, simply teaching the mind to pay attention on demand and not let all the distractions of the modern age carry us away. Then we move on to lessons of assessing what we see, learning to recognize potential threats and potential avenues for escape and safety. Rather than letting these lessons bend us toward paranoia, built into our system are ways to use these very skills to appreciate the world around us, rather than be terrified by it.
Mind Science Training
At the heart of our internal exploration training are the mind science programs taught to us by our teacher, martial arts legend, Stephen K. Hayes. This program guides students through inner lessons for awareness, happiness and personal growth.
Our Programs Include:
Situational Awareness Skills
To handle the situation you’re in, you have to be aware of just what the situation is! Keeping in mind where you are, what you are doing, and what your objective is takes training. We have exercises and programs designed to give you that training.
Threat Assessment
Perception includes knowing how to perceive potential threats, assess the likelihood of trouble, and most important for real-world practictioners, do so without becoming paranoid or judgemental.
Paying attention is a skill like any other. In this day and age there are so many things vying for our attention. Our training teaches how to stay focused when needed, and how to pull attention back on task.
Internal Awareness
We can’t solve problems on the outside without being in touch with what is happening on the inside. Knowing how we react to pressure, what makes us angry or afraid, and being honest with where we are helps us be more successful.
Our programs teach how to be mindful of our own actions, words and thoughts, and be aware of those of others. Without this skill, it is too easy to blunder into problems of our own creation.

Personal Growth
It goes without saying that hand-in-hand with awareness and mindfulness is a program that encourages personal growth, not stagnation.
Dealing with Stress
In our personal lives, at work, or in everyday encounters, how we deal with stress can increase or decrease the chance for conflict. Our programs contain multiple ways for dealing with stress in a positive way.
Meditation Practice
Many of these skills come together in a more formal meditation practice for those who want to enjoy the benefits of exploring the inner world to acheive outer results.
Paying Attention To Paying Attention
There are a LOT of ways for us to get distracted in this day and age. In fact, according to some studies, we humans now officially have less of an attention span than goldfish! (Read more about that here) Smartphones (one of the biggest distractions of the modern age)...
read moreRead Our Latest Perception Blog
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